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Caster industrial universal wheel how to check wear?

author:Zaoqiang County Dongrui Caster CO., LTD. source:www.koyoda.cn Published time:2018-8-30 瀏覽:

Wear is an important aspect in the application of industrial universal wheel. According to the production and research experience of dongrui caster, wear inspection of industrial universal wheel can be carried out from three aspects in daily operation.

1. Check whether the wheel bearing is damaged. If the parts are not damaged, they can be reassembled and used again.

Industrial universal wheel how to check wear and tear industrial universal wheel how to check wear and tear


2. If the rubber caster is seriously damaged or becomes loose, it may lead to unstable rolling, air leakage, abnormal load, and damage to the bottom plate, etc. Timely replacement of damaged caster and bearing can reduce the cost loss caused by downtime caused by caster damage.

3. Loose caster of universal wheel or dead wheel can also cause "grinding point". Proper maintenance inspection, especially check the tightness of bolts, the amount of lubricating oil, and the replacement of damaged caster can enhance the rolling performance and rotation flexibility of the equipment.

Reduce wear and tear is to maintain an aspect of the industrial universal wheel, on the other hand, we also from the ground situation, some reasons for the ground situation is really bad, the industrial universal wheel use must remember to check the wear and tear, make the corresponding treatment.

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Zaoqiang County Dongrui Caster CO., LTD.

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